Be Not Afraid

Today’s offering is the 3rd and final episode in a special series of ENCOURAGING WORDS report videos highlighting our recent ministry in the beautiful island nation of Taiwan. Countless lives were touched and changed for time and for eternity.

Taiwan is under extreme pressure today and in great need. “Saber rattling” from Communist China is felt daily as their warplanes make incursions into Taiwan’s sovereign airspace and security zones and move warships into their territorial waters…all in an effort to instill fear and to intimidate the Taiwanese population.

During 14 precious days in-country, we put our arms around the people…loved on them…sang and preached the gospel…and encouraged believers to “put their roots down deep” in the Lord.

So, open your heart… be uplifted and encouraged today as we share with you episode #3 of the marvelous things the Lord did in this very important country, presently front and center on the world stage.