For the last 12 years we’ve had the tremendous privilege of having Judy Buratovich as part of Celebrant Singers’ ministry. It’s a nearly-impossible task to fully express what a blessing she has been to us in so many ways.
Judy came to us at a very critical and pivotal time in our ministry. She was initially hired as our U.S. & Canadian Scheduling Director, but we had no idea the depth of her commitment, talents and gifts. Not only did she do a magnificent job in that initial role, over time she became one of the most valuable and effective administrative-support people in the entire 45-year history of Celebrants.
I don’t think any of us knew…including Judy, herself…how essential her eventual role would be! Among other things she scheduled teams…organized numerous rehearsal camps…handled many donor relations tasks…helped lead us into new office software acquisitions…outfitted many CS teams…and the list goes on. There is no question that “Judy B.” has contributed immensely and left her indelible stamp on nearly every aspect of our office and ministry.
Her husband, Tom, and son, Jason, have also been part of our family and fruitfully involved in Celebrants. And now, they’ve been called by the Lord to other assignments.
Judy…your contribution to our lives and ministry is incalculable. Only eternity will reveal the whole. Well done thou good and faithful! You have our forever-love, and prayers for your next fruitful chapter. May God abundantly bless you as you enter this new season of your life.
With much gratitude,

Stone Ministries, Inc./Celebrant Singers Board of Directors
Jon F. Stemkoski, Founder/President