It’s so important to live an examined life… to take stock and plumb the depths of what it really means to have a life-changing, transforming, intimate relationship with Jesus.

The key to growth and success in this all-important arena is surrender… surrendering our entire life… all of our thoughts, hopes, dreams and desires to our Heavenly Father… yielding ourselves completely to His expressed will and loving control. 

Be encouraged today! This episode of ENCOURAGING WORDS helps us greatly to understand and experience the unspeakable joy and peace that floods into our hearts by doing that very thing!

Jesus said, “The wise man builds his house on the rock…but the foolish man on the sand.” Which one do you want to be?

In these challenging days through which we’re living… a time of great “noise” and confusion… with many voices vying for our attention…it’s critically important for us to be solidly anchored to Christ…our solid Rock!

Be encouraged today! This episode of ENCOURAGING WORDS shares some essential keys that enlighten our hearts on how to do that very thing!

Friends…good friends…good solid friends…are a huge component in life. So treasured, so valuable. The Bible tells us that Jesus is a “friend that sticks closer than a brother,” and a friend who never fails!

In today’s episode of ENCOURAGING WORDS we’ll focus on our Savior’s love and the unique treasure of the never-ending, consistent friendship He offers us so freely.

Be encouraged today! Jesus is not only your Savior, but is keenly interested in every aspect and detail of your life. He is, in truth, your friend who is “an ever-present help in time of trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)


For the last 12 years we’ve had the tremendous privilege of having Judy Buratovich as part of Celebrant Singers’ ministry. It’s a nearly-impossible task to fully express what a blessing she has been to us in so many ways.

Judy came to us at a very critical and pivotal time in our ministry. She was initially hired as our U.S. & Canadian Scheduling Director, but we had no idea the depth of her commitment, talents and gifts. Not only did she do a magnificent job in that initial role, over time she became one of the most valuable and effective administrative-support people in the entire 45-year history of Celebrants.

I don’t think any of us knew…including Judy, herself…how essential her eventual role would be! Among other things she scheduled teams…organized numerous rehearsal camps…handled many donor relations tasks…helped lead us into new office software acquisitions…outfitted many CS teams…and the list goes on. There is no question that “Judy B.” has contributed immensely and left her indelible stamp on nearly every aspect of our office and ministry.

Her husband, Tom, and son, Jason, have also been part of our family and fruitfully involved in Celebrants. And now, they’ve been called by the Lord to other assignments.

Judy…your contribution to our lives and ministry is incalculable. Only eternity will reveal the whole. Well done thou good and faithful! You have our forever-love, and prayers for your next fruitful chapter. May God abundantly bless you as you enter this new season of your life.

With much gratitude,

Stone Ministries, Inc./Celebrant Singers Board of Directors

Jon F. Stemkoski, Founder/President

“My sheep hear My voice; I know them, and they follow Me.”
– John 10:27

Perhaps never before in our lifetime has it been more critical to hear God’s voice and find clear direction. We live in a time of great “noise” and confusion with many voices vying for our attention. Where is God in the equation? Does He still speak to His children?

Well, He certainly does…and He longs for us to seek Him diligently. “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” – Jeremiah 29:13. God seldom answers a casual inquiry…He answers the diligent seeker.

Be encouraged today! This episode of ENCOURAGING WORDS shares some essential keys that enlighten our hearts on this all-important subject of hearing God’s voice.

In Him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities. All things were created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. – Colossians 1:17-18

As a new year dawns, God presents us with a fresh, clean page on which He’ll write the next chapter of our lives. What a gift…what an opportunity!

What kind of year will it be? Since we’re called to walk by faith and not by sight, we really don’t know the future…what 2023 will bring. But we do know the One who holds the futureand our lives are securely in His hands.

Be encouraged today! This New Year episode of ENCOURAGING WORDS points us to the truth that “our lives are hidden with Christ in God.” He alone holds all things together. No matter what may come our way in the ensuing months, make this decision along with me… “Be still and know that He is God.”

Thank God that He doesn’t leave us alone to our own devices to wander and stumble through life. He knows our frame…how very much we need Him…so He promises to lead, to provide and to illuminate our path!

Be encouraged today! This year-end episode of ENCOURAGING WORDS assures and comforts us with the knowledge that as 2022 comes to a close, and a new year unfolds, God is with us by His Spirit and He will faithfully lead us everyday,
through both good times and bad.

God bless you! And please receive my prayer today for a healthy and prosperous 2023 for you and all those you love.

Throughout the season of Advent we hoped for the Savior…prepared our hearts for Him…experienced the joy of His soon-coming…and now we’re right on the cusp of His arrival!
Christmas is just hours away!

God’s amazing redemptive plan begins at Christmas. This special Christmas episode of ENCOURAGING WORDS sheds light on the Bethlehem story and encourages us to join together with Mary, the Angels and the shepherds, in adoring and magnifying Jesus!

Watchlisten and rejoice at the coming of our Savior!

The arrival of a notable person, thing, or event.

From the very day Adam and Eve rebelled against God in the garden, He planned their redemption…and ours!

This special Advent episode of ENCOURAGING WORDS unfolds God’s redemptive plan for you…for me… and for all mankind. 

Watch…listen…and be encouraged at the coming of our Savior!

God promised Abraham he’d be the “father of many nations”…yet Abraham was nearly 100 years old and his wife, Sarah, was 90! How could it possibly be? But against all odds, God fulfilled His promise when their son, Isaac was born.

One of the key components of this story is Abraham’s unwavering faith.

When God calls you to something…makes a promise to you, or gives you a vision…hold onto it like a puppy with a towel…never let go! Trust Him!

Today’s episode of ENCOURAGING WORDS clearly shows that “Whatever God has promised, He is able to perform”. – Romans 4:21. Be encouraged! This episode will lift your heart and strengthen your faith!