“Go forth into all the world and preach the gospel…making disciples of all nations…teaching them all I’ve commanded you…and surely, I am with you always…even to the end of the age…” – Matthew 29:19

The above words are our marching orders…our calling…the very reason we draw breath. These words were spoken by Jesus Himself to His disciples just before His ascension back into heaven. His last words were not a suggestion, but rather a commandment…a commandment to be embraced by every serious Christian.In this 2nd episode of our special 3-part ENCOURAGING WORDS series focusing on my new book, HERE’S ONE, you’ll hear about God’s call to go “Where His Light is Dim and His Voice is Heard Small”…words I heard in university and again in the Communist country of Poland some years later. You’ll see how the Lord opened unprecedented doors of ministry for us in Iran, India, and the Catholic Church…our work with Mother Teresa and Pope John Paul II…and the amazing way God answers prayer. It truly is a great testimony to His faithfulness.

HERE’S ONE is 50% autobiographical and 50%  the history and experiences of CELEBRANT SINGERS…a group of committed, talented and dedicated individuals who’ve shared Christ’s love in more than100 countries since 1977. Now, for the first time you can read the compelling story of this miracle-filled ministry. You’ll clearly see how God led, protected, provided and faithfully revealed His will and His plans over their 40-plus year ministry.

I believe with all of my heart that HERE’S ONE will encourage and uplift you. I wrote the book for YOU…to inspire and bless you…and to give glory to God. Be sure to get a signed copy for yourself and give them as a special Christmas gift to your family and friends.

Here’s what others are saying about this special book:
“One of the most interesting and entertaining times I’ve experienced of late, is reading the book, Here’s One – the autobiography of Jon Stemkoski, founder and conductor of the world famous CELEBRANT SINGERS. The fascinating people he meets and the opportunities he’s offered are unbelievable. I could not put the book down… the power of faith is released in each and every chapter. If you want to be inspired, pick up this fantastic piece of literature!

                                                                       Dolores “Dodie” Wilcoxon
College of the Sequoia’s
Visalia, CA

“God’s vision in a human heart is a very dangerous thing. Those who dare to believe God’s voice often steer a course down roads less traveled even when easier and more lucrative options lie before him. In Here’s One, Jon Stemkoski shares his story as God works over decades to put together a worldwide music mission that has made Jesus known in some of the most unlikely places. Through the ministry of Celebrant Singers countless thousands of people have come to know faith in Jesus and a desire to walk with him. I’ve known Jon Stemkoski for almost fifty years, having worked alongside Celebrants on many occasions and knowing well many who came to share this journey with him. His story rings with authenticity as he shares the risk of following his heart time and again when the outcome for doing so was far from certain. You get it all here, the joys and struggles along with some sound wisdom you can take into your own journey.”

Wayne Jacobsen, author
He Loves Me, Live Loved Free Full, co-author of The Shack


“I once saw a 15-year-old boy trying to be 21 and succeeding. I helped birth him but only because God loaned him to me for a little while. Through the years I’ve watched as Jon plowed his dreams into reality as he rallied thousands of troops called CELEBRANT SINGERS, to change the world for Christ. Some of us have done similar things, but none of us have been directly face to face on the front lines as Jon always was and still is. It’s all here. The drama, the adventure, the risks and rewards, the fabulous excitement, the short-lived disappointments, and the over-the-top successes followed often by the dip into the dark valleys. We’re supposed to bear fruit. Jon learned that fruit grows in the valleys – not on the mountaintops. Still he always found a way to make it to the top. Forty significant years is proof! This book? Get it…read it…share it with all your friends…and have your life changed!”

Cam Floria
Founder, Continental Singers

May God bless richly as you listen to Episode #2 of HERE’S ONE in today’s ENCOURAGING WORDS.

Jon F. Stemkoski, Founder/President
Celebrant Singers