“Jon, you can get into any country on earth to preach the gospel…as long as you’re not concerned about getting out.”

These words were spoken to me over 40 years ago by one of the greatest Christian missionary figures of our time, a gentleman simply known as Brother Andrew. His full name is Andrew van der Bijl but he could never use it because from 1955 onwards, this courageous, rougish, Dutchman spent his entire life taking Bibles and sharing the gospel into some of the most dangerous and difficult parts of the world. God has used him in extraordinary and singular ways to bring the good news of Jesus to millions of persecuted people. He’s still alive at 93 years of age, and though quite infirm, his spirit remains indomitable.

In this 3rd episode of our special 3-part ENCOURAGING WORDS series focusing on my new book, HERE’S ONE, you’ll hear a truly historic and world-changing account of how God opened a door for us to openly proclaim the gospel in the most closed and inaccessible country on earth…Albania. We followed Andrew’s admonition and counsel. We went in…and we weren’t terribly concerned about getting out. It could easily been our last and final outreach as we entered the most repressive and dangerous Communist country on the planet.

My new book, HERE’S ONE is the story of the history and experiences of CELEBRANT SINGERS…a group of committed, talented and dedicated individuals that I founded in 1977 who’ve shared the gospel in more than100 countries around the world. Now, for the first time ever, you can read the compelling story of this miracle-filled ministry. You’ll clearly see how God led, protected, provided and faithfully revealed His will and His plans over their 40-plus years.

I believe with all of my heart that God will use HERE’S ONE to encourage and uplift you. I wrote the book for YOU…to inspire and bless you…and to give glory to God. Be sure to get a copy for yourself and give them as gifts to anyone you know who needs a spiritual shot in the arm.

Here’s what others are saying about this special book:
“God’s vision in a human heart is a very dangerous thing. Those who dare to believe God’s voice often steer a course down roads less traveled even when easier and more lucrative options lie before him. In Here’s One, Jon Stemkoski shares his story as God works over decades to put together a worldwide music mission that has made Jesus known in some of the most unlikely places. Through the ministry of Celebrant Singers countless thousands of people have come to know faith in Jesus and a desire to walk with him. I’ve known Jon Stemkoski for almost fifty years, having worked alongside Celebrants on many occasions and knowing well many who came to share this journey with him. His story rings with authenticity as he shares the risk of following his heart time and again when the outcome for doing so was far from certain. You get it all here, the joys and struggles along with some sound wisdom you can take into your own journey.”

Wayne Jacobsen, Author
He Loves Me, Live Loved Free Full, co-author of The Shack
Here’s One is the story of Celebrant Singers by its founder, Jon Stemkoski. It’s a story of how God shaped a young man and gave him a vision to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the uttermost parts of the earth – often ministering in difficult countries where Christians were suffering, oppressed and persecuted for their faith.  His father, a successful California businessman, said he could help Jon in other fields, but he knew nothing about ministry. Jon would have to do it on his own, he said.  Except, he didn’t do it alone. God was with him. So were the more than 3,000 Celebrant alumni who have shared the adventure with him. You’ll be blessed and thrilled to read Jon’s story about what God has done in and through a man who was and remains determined to honor God. Because of that God has honored him (1 Samuel 2:30). Jon Stemkoski and Celebrant Singers, you are touching lives you will never know. You’ve certainly touched the life and heart of this journalist.
Cal Thomas
           Veteran Fox news contributor, New York Times best-selling author and syndicated columnist


May God bless richly as you listen to Episode #3 of HERE’S ONE in today’s ENCOURAGING WORDS.

Jon F. Stemkoski, Founder/President
Celebrant Singers