Jon and Ralph at LAX 2013
Last Tuesday night, October 19, having just pulled in to my daughter Chelsea’s driveway for a family dinner, my phone rang. It was my dear friend, Thurlow Spurr calling from Orlando like a man on a mission. “Jon…have you heard the news? Ralph passed away.”
As always with these sorts of calls, it takes a moment to soak in. Thurlow and I talked for 15-20 minutes trying hard to comprehend and assimilate the news. We shared our shock and sorrow, reminisced about this man who had meant so much, accomplished so much in his amazingly fruitful life, and tried hard to put words to it. It was impossible, but we did our best.
Of course we knew that Ralph was in his 90s and this day was inevitable. But it doesn’t make it better or easier. The shock of it all is so profound. As Paul Johnson shared in his beautiful tribute, “We somehow thought Ralph would outlive us all!” It’s true! He filled that big of a space and impacted us all so deeply.
I first met Ralph in 1968 when he and Clare Fischer drove up from Los Angeles to the San Joaquin valley to present some new music from Ralph’s relatively new publishing company, Lexicon Music. I was 14 years old and a brand new Christian. One of the songs sung on the night I came to Christ was “He’s Everything to Me.” God used it to draw me to Himself. It was a thrill to meet Ralph and he spoke to me as though he had all kinds of time and nothing else to do.
Just a few months later I saw my first Continental Singers concert under Cam Floria’s direction, was totally captured by it all, auditioned, and joined them the following summer for what became an 8 year run…four as a singer and four as a director…that set the trajectory for the rest of my life. In those years we sang dozens of Ralph’s songs as Cam and the Continentals took them from Ralph’s garage to the world. “He’s Everything to Me”, “Pass it On”, “Miracle of Grace”, “Beyond All Time”, “Reach Out to Jesus”, “All My Life”, “Quiet Place”, and of course, “The Savior is Waiting.” Ralph was there every night…in those concerts…through his amazing songs…touching thousands. We’ve also recorded several with Celebrant Singers.
Years later at Oral Roberts University, Cam and Ralph sent, at their own expense, Hal Lindsey to attend and speak at a production of Cam’s first musical, “It’s Getting Late!” I’d put together on campus. Ralph, who published that musical, even sent Bill Cole, his long-term record producer to Tulsa to record the entire event.
The following year Ralph sent Bobby Hammack…former ABC west coast music director whom Ralph had led to Christ…to attend a presentation of his songs called “Have a Nice Day” that we’d woven into a musical about his life. Ralph wanted Bobby to re-live and see on stage his conversion experience. Bobby cried through the entire evening. This was quintessential Ralph…always investing in somebody’s life.
Through the years, as with so many of us who were trying our best to share God’s love with the world, our paths crossed and intertwined. Times at the Woodland Hills office with Ralph and his first-rate team of Ray Devries, Carl Seal, and personal assistant, Lillian, were never without impact.
In 2013 I felt led to call a meeting at LAX. It was kind of a “State of the State” meeting about the past, present and future of Christian music, and the role it played in evangelism. Ralph, his longtime producer, friend, and right-hand man Paul Stilwell, Thurlow, Cam, Randy Swanson, and Jimmy and Carol Owens were all there. Ralph sat to my immediate left for two full days as we shared stories, glorified God, and examined from whence He’d brought us and where He might be taking us. Ralph was fully engaged through the entire time, shared greatly, and inspired all of us every time he spoke. I’m so glad we had that time. It was the last time all of these iconic, amazing people, who’d been used so mightily for decades to impact the entire world, set the pace, blazed the trail, and forever-changed the course of Christian music, were together in one room. Sadly, it will never happen again.

Ralph, Thurlow Spurr, Cam Floria & Jon – 2013
My final time with Ralph was a visit to his home where we made a video in his backyard. He and Mar were so gracious, and true to form, so generous with their time. Upon leaving, I mused as to whether this might be the last time I might ever see Ralph, enjoy his presence and fellowship, the twinkle in his eye and his ready smile. His very life was so inspirational as many have recounted.
As Thurlow said in his phone call that Tuesday night, “Well, Jon…the Savior is no longer waiting…He’s taken Ralph home.” Hard to believe…hard to comprehend. But, of course, this bigger-than-life man, whom God used so mightily is now exactly where we one day long to be….with Jesus…who was in fact, everything to him.
We’ve lost a giant in you, Ralph. No question about it. With love and deep gratitude, we thank you for blazing the trail and inspiring us all. Your contribution, leadership, impact and inspiration in our lives is without measure. Only eternity will reveal the whole. May God grant those of us who remain the grace and courage to be so faithful. You will never be forgotten.
Ralph Carmichael
May 27, 1927 – October 18, 2021